Programme is designed to deliver the services for the infants (0- 6year age group). We provide services by involving parents and families at early stage. We make referrals to the appropriate centers for further assessment and services. We also provide therapeutic services by the locally available resources.
The Project for pre-school intervention is primarily to prepare the children with developmental delays for their schooling in special schools and/or integration at the appropriate stage in regular schools. These projects will serve infants and children up to 6 years of age.
To identify the need for and to provide for appropriate therapeutic services.
To provide early intervention by imparting skills for daily living to the disabled child and teaching of ADL skills are the basic role of these institutions.
To provide for day care management of the child.
To involve parents / siblings / grand parents through counseling as an integral part of the preparatory intervention and ensure participation in the programmes to be developed for preschool intervention.
To work with the teachers of the regular schools for mainstreaming these children with monitoring and referral support.
Networking with the medical doctors, paramedical professionals, and hospitals for the prevention of disabilities, early identification and to establish referral system.
To create awareness among the community members and Panchayat Raj Institutes (PRIs) for accepting the disability and to include this as a development of the community itself.
To make initiatives to work for the Disability Free Society (DFS).
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