Certificate Course in Caregiving


Increased Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) with modernization has brought about problems of old age, disaster related injuries, mental stress disorders & paucity of trained medical & health professionals etc. This process has widened the gap between the poor / rural and rich / urban as the expected development is confined to the hands of limited individuals and isolated pockets. This further resulted for vulnerable circumstances as Poverty, Disability and Development acts as a cause and consequence of each other. In view of these consequences, Manochetana took a decision to meet these challenges for the need of care giving from the family to the community and the institution as an important component of a continuing care and rehabilitation.
The concept of care giving and creation of a cadre of care givers is the need and demand of the rural population. The availability of trained care givers and operationalzing the programme in care giving will fulfill the needs of the chronically ill, elderly and persons with disability whose number is increasing at an alarming rate.


To prepare a cadre of trained care givers to provide quality care in various areas of disabilities ranging from infancy to old age with sustainable service delivery systems.


  • To design standardized course modules for care givers.|
  • To educate and train caregivers.
  • To monitor, assess, evaluate and review content of the feedback.
  • To make desirable changes in the courses more beneficial to the clients.
  • To create better awareness among the care givers and care seekers as well as other stakeholders with participatory approaches for better understanding & building relationships and thus for framing / developing sustainable and quality problem solving approaches.

Expected Outcome

  • A cadre of trained care givers will be available within the home, community and institutions for care-giving for persons with Autism, Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Disabilities.

  • A cadre of trained care givers will be available for care giving to persons with Mental Illness, Dementia, Alzheimer’s and other such chronic disorders.

  • A cadre of trained care givers will be available for care giving to persons with loco motor disabilities arising due to trauma, spinal cord injuries, stroke, head injuries, osteoporosis, muscular dystrophy, arthritis, leprosy cured, old age and      other such conditions.

  • A cadre of trained Care Givers will be available for care giving to persons with deaf-blindness and visual impairment.

  • So far 60 members in 4 batches successfully completed this course

  • and got employed in various social development organizations.

  • It has served twin purposes like: providing livelihood for the rural people and created better access for care seekers.

  • Care givers are happy with the course and to be part of the community development.

  • This course has helped the care givers to transform themselves as “Service Providers”   

Understanding the need of the developing processionals in general and more particularly in the rural area, Manochetana took initiatives for the establishment of HRD Centre with Courses matching the needs and demands of the local PWDs as well as the local people. It is in the process with Rehabilitation Council of India, National Institutes and Universities for making it as an effective engine making centre.


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